Jr Warrior Camp

Jr Warrior Camp is a free 3-day summer camp that helps victims of bullying and/or sexual abuse. With fun activities, powerful training, and mentorship, our goal is to EMPOWER every camper with healing, help, and hope.

Jr Warrior Camp is our FREE Summer Camp dedicated to helping kids who have fallen victim to bullying or abuse.

Our Campers Walk Away With


Because everyone goes farther with mentors


Our campers learn tools to help them navigate the challenges they encounter


Our campers will develop friendships that last a lifetime

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Jr Warrior Camp 2023

Camp Testimonials

Parent Reviews

"My daughter attended camp last year and loved it. She gained so much self-confidence and a new love for God. This camp was such a blessing for her. She's been looking forward to coming back all year"


"My daughter had a wonderful experience at Jr Warrior Camp. It gave her so much self-confidence"



How many students are bullied each year?

30% of students are bullied each year worldwide

What grade experiences the most bullying?

6th grade students experience the most cases of bullying. Roughly 31%

How many students miss school each day in fear of being bullied?



What percentage of boys and girls are abused sexually?

1 out of 4 girls and 1 out of 6 boys will be sexually abused before they reach 18

What ages are kids most vulnerable?

Children are most vulnerable to sexual abuse between the ages of 7 and 13

What percentage of kids are abused by family members?

34% of child sexual abuse victims are abused by a family member